Win 7 Total Security 2013 is not a reliable security tools that you can trust. On the contrary, Win 7 Total Security 2013 is a dangerous rogue malware that attacks your computer without your attention and tries to swindle your money by doing fake system scanning and releasing misleading and false security warning alerts. There are many other similar fake anti-virus/anti-spyware threats with different names. Those security rogue programs are wrapped with decent appearances, trying to trick you believe their legitimacy and spend money for the useless license keys or full version. Most people don't know where or how this fake program gets into their computers. Win 7 Total Security 2013 usually spreads via malicious sites that are planted with hidden virus codes and free programs that are embedded with Win 7 Total Security 2013 virus.
Once Win 7 Total Security 2013 gets into your PC, it will slyly root in the infected system by disguising as system files or processes, thus, survive from anti-virus program removals. And designed as a fake anti-virus program, Win 7 Total Security 2013 virus is enabled with the ability to block security tools that are related to its uninstallation. And random registries are added so that Win 7 Total Security 2013 virus runs every time the Windows starts. And many other useless files are released to mingle system files, using as security shield for Win 7 Total Security 2013 virus. What is more, backdoor trojans are packed with this rogue malware to worsen damage and steal pass words for online banking accounts, email address or facebook.
The risk of Win 7 Security 2013 goes with time and therefore, requires immediately removal once found. Win 7 Security 2013 virus may repair its files, spread or update by itself. And more viruses and malwares will be installed to the compromised PC, causing system errors or critical performance troubles. In a word, Win 7 Security 2013 virus is a tricky danger to infected machine and don't fall for its trap! Find the following manual removal guide as reference and delete Win 7 Security 2013 virus once and for all!
Win 7 Security 2013 Virus Manual Removal Help
1) log in safe mode with networking or command prompt by pressing and holding F8 right after reboot.
2) open windows take manager to stop malicious processes.
random[random characters and letters].exe
3) delete infected files.
%AllUsersProfile%\t3e0ilfioi3684m2nt3ps2b6lru %AppData%\Local\[random].exe (look for 3-letter names) %AppData%\Local\t3e0ilfioi3684m2nt3ps2b6lru %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\t3e0ilfioi3684m2nt3ps2b6lru %Temp%\t3e0ilfioi3684m2nt3ps2b6lru
4) remove added regitries.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe "(Default)" = 'exefile' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe "Content Type" = 'application/x-msdownload' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\DefaultIcon "(Default)" = '%1' = '"%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random 3 letters].exe" /START "%1" %*' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command "IsolatedCommand" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\runas\command "(Default)" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\shell\open\command "(Default)" = '"%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random 3 letters].exe" /START "%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\shell\open\command "IsolatedCommand" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\shell\runas\command "(Default)" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe\shell\runas\command "IsolatedCommand" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile "Content Type" = 'application/x-msdownload' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command "IsolatedCommand" = '"%1" %*' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command "(Default)" = '"%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random 3 letters].exe" /START "%1" %*' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\shell\safemode\command "(Default)" = '"%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random 3 letters].exe" /START "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\IEXPLORE.EXE\shell\open\command "(Default)" = '"%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\[random 3 letters].exe" /START "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"'
5) Restart the infected PC back to normal mode to take effect.
This tricky virus just uses random file names in same system directories or even its mutating versions will use different directories to escape various security tools' detection and add more difficulty to manual removal. If you haven’t sufficient expertise in dealing with program files, processes, .dll files and registry entries, it may lead to mistakes damaging your system permanently after you delete crucial computer files by mistake.
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